I can almost always guarantee that if you see me I will be wearing some sort of pearl, whether colored or not and of course it will be fake haha. That's just me I love the clean look and the versatility therefore, its kind of my signature. A lot of people consider things their signature whats yours?
Sorry for the utter lack of good posts and posts in general ts just been kind of hectic with work and all but hopefully I can manage to get one good one in this week. But a plus to that is now I have money! Hopefully I can get some good pictures of my newly decorated room to show you guys! Hope everyone has a good rest of your weekend!
diamond... errrr.... cubic zirconian stud earrings, 2 in each ear. no chance of chase pulling on those bad boys!
I dont think I really have a signature. Sometimes I do for a while, like I wear the same necklace but then I will take it off months later and forget to put it back on.
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