Old Navy $14.50

Old Navy $17.50

old navy $16.50

Swimsuit $98.00

Shoes $145.00

flip flops $3.50

jelly flip flops $9.50

skirt $58.00

dress $68.00

Skirt $39.90

dress $58.00

Swimsuit $88.00
The title is so true i am ready for spring and all that comes along with it. We have already lost the hour which of course sucks, yet no nice weather. It was 29 degrees this morning!! I WANT my SPRING and I am going to whine and throw a temper tantrum until I get it at least cyberly so get ready for ranting and raving followers of this blog. Well since I have had some luck with blogger today and no server down warnings I better not ruin a good thing so bye guys ttyl.
BTW all of the clothes are from Urban Outfitters unless marked otherwise
I hate wearing yellow. But polka dots are awesome, as are crisp whites. Flip flops... I'm so glad spring is starting. I'm ready for some nice weather. And flowers!
I think you found my entire dream wardrobe for summer. Now, if only I was 23, I could wear it all! Very nice. :)
polka dots are MEGA AMAZING, and moccassins are my obsession right now (I must have a pair!) so..yeah. :)
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